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The Bible Explained

Oct 30, 2020

After God promises Abram an heir, Abram performs a ceremony to God, and a terrible fear overcomes him.

Oct 29, 2020

What is the point of fasting and why do Christians do it? When we lay up treasures in heaven, does that mean we aren't supposed to have nice things here on earth? These questions and more answered on today's podcast episode.

Oct 28, 2020

After the battle Abram fights against the kings, God gives Abram a very interesting promise. Even though what God promised seemed impossible, Abram still chose to believe God. 

Oct 27, 2020

Today Jesus talks about forgiveness. If we don't forgive others, are we able to be forgiven? Will we be let into heaven if we don't forgive other people?

Oct 26, 2020

Abram goes out to battle with only a small army of men, but he comes home as the victor.